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J-EPS recycling started at Tsukiji market

Nowadays, environmental pollution caused by plastics that have escaped into the natural environment on a global scale is becoming more serious.

Styrofoam, in particular, is considered a difficult-to-recycle material in many countries, and there are moves to regulate its use.

However, Styrofoam is a wonderful material that saves resources, is lightweight, has a high degree of freedom in molding, is excellent in hygiene, and is inexpensive.

Our J-EPS recycling (expanded polystyrene material recycling system) started 45 years ago at the Tsukiji market, and has been working with customers who use recycling machines from 2,000 companies nationwide and many other stakeholders for many years. Together, we have built a stable distribution network for polystyrene resources and have expanded this “resource recycling circle” worldwide.

 This J-EPS recycling is one of the few successful cases of material recycling of plastics originating in Japan, and has been introduced more and more overseas.

I would like to share with everyone involved in this project that J-EPS recycling, which is unique to Japan, is recognized around the world, and that this recycling is deeply connected to improving the global environment. hey.

The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) has been introduced as one of the effective means of combating marine plastic pollution.

J-EPS recycling was introduced at the webinar of Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).

Introduced at the International Conference on Marine Plastics of the Wilson Center, a regional research institute created by the US Congress.

J-EPS recycling video played 280,000 times around the world

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